Q: A brief background...
A: I'm composing and writing songs since 1998, when i've bought my first guitar. I was 17, and it was my "rock period". In a few (1999) I've discovered the way I like to play music and I choose bass as my main instrument, and it's the same now, even if I've to use a lot of keyboards. A little after the rock period, punk, new wave and metal broke in my life. It could be considered like a jam, a melting pot of ideas, from everything I've heard. In 2003 I've discovered, or re-discovered, electronic, gothic, and industrial, and after a few, neofolk "military pop" and martial industrial.
Q: What is music for you?
A: I think music is the way in which an artist can express himself, a path that listener can follow to understand and get in touch with the artist. In my songs there is what I am, what i think and what I believe in.
Q: Why did you create RH?
A: Riemann Hypothesis was created as a collaborative project, like an artist collective, but it's very hard for new small projects to be known by people outside the inner circle, expecially at the beginning, so I've tried to give the band something like a lineup, but after few sessions it was clear that RH wasn't for all. Every friend that helped me at the beginning (from 2009) had, and generally have, great attitudes and a peculiar style, but I think it was difficult for me to make them understand what is the deep meaning of the songs and which feeling and emotions I'd like to express.
Q: Which is the meaning of collaborative project? Why don't a "normal" band?
A: I think that a collaboration is condivision of ideas, feelings and arts, only when the artist wants to do it. Let me make an example: I'm a musician and i'd like to make my instrument available for a specific song, in RH I'm free to play a single song without being obliged to play all the record, and it's the same for everyone who wants to tie his own piece of art to the project, singers, musicians, painters, photographer and so on. After it I've created phalanxes to help people follow their own music style, but I'll tell you more later.
Q: How the project works?
A: Well, it's not so easy to explain in few words, but I'll try. I've a large amount of unfinished songs, most of them are just an idea, a riff or a text or a bass line. I've even full songs ready to be recorded, so the artist can choose the what he (or she) like the most and complete it or just make the sign of his (her) art in order to complete it. But it's not all. Artists can decide to join the progect (in this case we call it phalanxes) and create completely new things (songs or other work of art) with me and/or other collaborators. It's a long time work and that's why RH is inedited yet.
Q: So what a phalanx is?
A: It's a "long term" cooperation of more artists. It's thought to help listeners to follow their own musical taste, even if the whole project (Riemann Hypothesis) is the same and the roots are common.
Q: How can an artist listen to your "ideas"?
a: We have some videos on youtube, with low-fi bases, but I prefer to meet people and explain them what I'd like to do and what is the project meaning. Who wants to have more informations have only to write a mail or contact us via twitter or facebook.
Q: Which kind of music you offer?
A: It's very difficult to define our sound. But i can try to make an example. As the snow we offer a different style for every song. Differences born from the different souls of every single artist who whant to cooperate in the project. For example, tracks with Andrea have a sound close to post grunge, Miryam touch is near Nu-Metal, while J.J. guitars are tipically thash and heavy metal. So we are trying to find something like an equilibrium among our souls, in order to offer a well recognizable boud, a kind of signature.
Q: What's the state of art?
A: Now we are trying to rearrange all the songs and composing new tracks. and as always it takes very long time.
Q: Programs for the future?
A: We'd like to record at least an EP this year but in this moment I can't make any promise.